Wednesday, July 18, 2018


 I am a terrible blogger but even better human. Let’s see. 5 months. Whoa. Time is going way too quickly for my liking. Like, can we go back to August when I had a full year left? Please?
December was a huge whirlwind. The first week was absolutely normal, and then the weekend of the 5th, I was at my friend Katie’s for a group babysitting job that was actually so super low-key and easy, even though three of the girls we were babysitting didn’t go to bed until midnight. I was up until 2 with my friends and somehow managed to get drunk after two glasses of wine that I literally did not drink in a short enough time period to get me drunk (8pm-1am). But Sunday was not fun. McDonald’s is my hangover food.  
Then the weekend of the 13th, all of the au pairs went to Paris to see it at Christmas. It was absolutely gorgeous. It didn’t feel super Christmassy, though. I don’t know if it’s because it didn’t snow or what, but I wasn’t really feeling the whole Christmas thing. I did get to go to Shakespeare and Company, though, which is my favorite bookstore. They actually recently opened a café and so on Sunday morning, I went by myself to just enjoy being in Paris. I love being in Paris by myself. It makes me feel so centered and happy. It’s the greatest city in the world.
On the night of the 13th, all of us went out to a bar to get drinks. It was my first time going out to get drinks with my friends and I ordered a diabolo grenadine which is just syrup and sparkling water. I am terrified of drinking alcohol, even though my actions the weekend before say otherwise. I actually had a panic attack while I was in the bar and it was not fun. There were just too many people and it was too loud. Plus, I was in a situation I have never been in and so I freaked out. It was not fun, but I took the metro back to the apartment we were staying in at one in the morning, read a little bit of my new book, then went to sleep and waited for the girls to knock on the door so I could let them in.
On Sunday morning, I woke up early to go to Shakespeare and Company for breakfast. Their chai tea is so good. I had two of them. I was also able to slip into Notre Dame, which is an amazing building. The Nativity they have set up is also really cool. Ten in the morning on a Sunday is the best time to visit Notre Dame because it’s pretty empty. Then, I met my friends at Victor Hugo’s house. We checked it out, then decided to walk down the Champs-Elysees. On the way down the steps at Victor Hugo’s, I totally fell. I honestly have no idea what happened, but I was definitely hurt afterward. Walking down the Champs-Elysees was pretty cool. We went into a ton of stores but didn’t really buy anything because it was so expensive. I did find a Christmas present for my baby brother at the PSG store. That was fun. There’s also a Christmas Village on the Champs-Elysees and I geeked out horrifically when I saw dinosaurs as part of the “menagerie”. I feel bad for my friends because they had to deal with me giving all of these weird facts, but I love dinosaurs so you know.
We then walked to the Eiffel Tower from the Champs-Elysees. I really don’t know what was wrong with us. WHO DOES THAT ON A SUNDAY AFTERNOON? I mean, I got a cool picture with the Eiffel Tower, but I was so tired by the end of the day I’m surprised I didn’t fall asleep on my train home that night. But getting to see Paris at Christmastime was really cool.
The weekend after, I spent a lot of time with P. She and I made presents for everyone in the family and I went out and did a little Christmas shopping for my French Family. I found a really cool game for them. We played it on Christmas Eve and then a few days later. Then, the girls and I painted owl candle holders, which are super cute. Like, seriously.
Then, I went to my French Family’s house to spend Christmas and New Year’s with them. Christmas Eve in France is one of the coolest things I have ever experienced. Basically, you cook all day so that you can eat all of that food that night, and it’s so much fun. There’s a lot of celebrating. But anyway, the party starts at about 8 at night and you just eat from about 9 until midnight and give each other gifts and it’s just super duper fun. We partied until about 3 in the morning and then went to bed so that Père Noel could come and bring us presents. My French family gave me a gorgeous pair of earrings and a Celine Dion CD that I can’t listen to until I’m back in the states because I don’t have a CD player. I also got a Bescherelle and perfume. Then, I got a package from home with Christmas jammies and Jolly Ranchers and a coloring book. I love all of my gifts.
New Year’s Eve in France is not my favorite thing. The party starts at 8, just like Christmas Eve, then you eat and party until 4 in the morning, which is just too long to celebrate the New Year. I am more than okay with shouting “HAPPY NEW YEAR” and then going to bed, but if you’re in France, you have to dance and play for four hours before going to bed. I don’t understand why it’s so much fun to do that. A friend of mine asked me if I went to parties at all because around 3 in the morning I was nodding off and I just looked at him like he was crazy because I don’t go to parties. Ever. I like to be in bed at a reasonable hour so I can start the New Year with energy.
BUT THEN I SAW STAR WARS. In French. I need to see it in English, since I barely understood what was happening. I was okay to watch the first six in French since I know them, but getting the brand new story was hard. I don’t know when I’m going to see it in English but Poe Dameron is adorable. But anyway, Star Wars was great.
Now I’m back in Vernon, working, like normal. It’s nice to be back into my routine. I also feel much more energized while working, instead of dead tired all of the time, like I was before my week of vacation. But yeah, that’s it for December. I will definitely be better at this this month. At least, I’ll try.

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