Wednesday, July 18, 2018


I’m trying to be better at this, I promise. In the last three weeks, we’ve had Halloween, which is not a huge holiday here. I did not dress up since my host family doesn’t celebrate it. I did, however, go to the Chateau de Blois again and I ran into a Harry Potter convention happening there. Like, inside the chateau. That was really fun. I sort of blended in, what with my all-black ensemble and my red hair. Obviously, I’m a Weasley. So, having that experience was really awesome and great.
Other things happening in my life? BIRTHDAYS! Little M turned four on October 14, Big M turned nine on Sunday, and P turns seven on the 23rd! I will admit, I didn’t get Little M a birthday present because life is crazy. But I did find some fleece blankets at the 2 euro store so I’m embroidering their names on blankets. I’ve only gotten Big M’s done, but hopefully I’ll get Little M’s done by the end of this week. I have a little time for P, so hopefully I’ll be able to deliver by her birthday. I also have my brain on Christmas presents because there are reminders EVERYWHERE! I’m not sure if I should look for Madeline books or Eloise or what, but I’m thinking I should get them something that screams AMERICA. Like, even though Madeline is set in France, it’s a very American/English-speaking thing. French people don’t know Madeline. At all. I’ve even asked. I think they would enjoy the books. Or at least one. But that’s kind of the worst part about living in a country without Thanksgiving—Christmas starts right away.
I’m also officially a resident of France! I’m so happy about that! I mean, four hours of waiting in an office was not at all fun, but now I have the little sticker in my passport that says I’m here legally for the next nine months. WOOHOO!
I’m not really sure what else to talk about right now. Everything’s going super well. I have made a few more friends! They all live in Isneauville, which is about 30 minutes from Rouen, and I hung out with them in Rouen on Saturday. We had lunch, then walked around for a bit, then got coffee and talked for like, two hours. I had a lot of fun getting to know them in a non-classroom setting, which is where I meet most people here.
But anyway, I hope this tides you over until I magically appear again!

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